
NEW: Thesis Application Procedure

Dear Students,

The application is to be submitted digitally via Moodle. Students must use their HTW E-Mail address and login details.

In the course there are two activities:

  1. Thesis Application.
  2. Upload of confirmation(s) from your supervisors, the exposé (if required) and further required documents:
    • The confirmations need to contain at least your name, the topic of the thesis and the semester in which the thesis is to be completed.
    • If you have a second supervisor who is not working at HTW, you have to submit documentation for their education, i.e. degree certificate. They must have earned at least a Master’s degree.
    • Note: You may also only suggest a 2nd supervisor (signature not required in this case) or leave this open. A 2nd supervisor will then be assigned to you.
    • Please submit .pdf files only.
    • You may still use the old application form instead of the emal confirmations, but you do need to apply over moodle.

    NOTE: We do not accept paper- or email applications.